Kookaburra - Watching - Kookaburra sits and watches things from afar.
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Dinner Time - A male Superb Fairy Wren sits high on a palm frond.
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Family Chat - Red-backed fairywren male with two females.
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Barking Owl - Looking surprised.
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I C U - A Tawny Frogmouth stares back at me.
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Emu - Australia's largest living bird, the flightless emu.
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Male King Parrot - The adult male has a red head, breast, and lower undersides, with a blue band on the back of the neck between the red above and green on the back, the wings are green and each has a pale green shoulder band, the tail is green, and the rump is blue.
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Final Approach - Heading in to land this Wedge-tailed Eagle is an impressive sight.
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Pacific Baza - Sometimes called the Crested Hawk.
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Eastern Robin - Watching from within the safety of the bushes.
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Regent Bowerbird - A male sits ready to take flight.
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Lewins Honey Eater - Waits patiently for breakfast.
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Scarlet Robin - Watching me intently from the top of a star picket.
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Pintailed Whydah -
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Green Bee-eaters - Searching for the next unfortunate bug to fly by.
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Yellow-billed Hornbill - Another of Africa's hornbills with its distinctive yellow bill.
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Pair on Lookout - African Fish Eagles study the ground from up high.
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Carmine Bee-eaters - The final few Carmine Bee Eaters relax before catching up with the rest of the migration.
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Ruffled - Lilac-Breasted Roller fluffed up early in the morning.
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Diner For One - A Pied Kingfisher spears a nice fish for breakfast.
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Giant Eagle Owl - This fellow was enjoying a night out in the rain.
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A Great Egret - Watching the water this Great Egret soaks up the evening sun.
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Walking on Air - Leaping through the air this southern ground hornbill takes flight.
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Lilac-Breasted Roller - Taking flight in the early morning sun.
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Great Blue Heron - Heading back to the nesting grounds.
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Cattle egret - Cruising across the wetlands.
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Adult Yellow-billed Stork - Looking after its young in the tree tops.
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Young Yellow-billed Stork - Yet to develop its adult feathers this young one waits for its parents return with food.
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Posing - This Blue-eared Glossy Starling stands tall for a photo.
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Kori Bustard - Taking a morning stroll.
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Red-billed Hornbill - Naive African hornbill with its distinctive red bill.
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Cassowary - The cassowary is a very large flightless bird native to the tropical forests of New Guinea, nearby islands and northeastern Australia. The Southern Cassowary is the third tallest and second heaviest living bird, smaller only than the Ostrich and Emu.
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Grey Butcher Bird - Waiting patiently for any sign of food.
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Whistling Kite (Haliastur sphenurus) - Whistling Kites soar on slightly bowed wings, with their long flight feathers often well-splayed. The striking pattern on their underwings is distinctive.
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Crimson Rosella - Rosellas have blue cheeks and black-scalloped blue-marginned wings and predominantly blue tail with predominantly red coloration.
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Female King Parrot - The plumage of the female is much different to the male having a green head and breast, an grey beak, and the pale shoulder band is small or absent.
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Black Swan - Posing in an agressive stance while protecting young signets.
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Rainbow Lorikeet - The Rainbow Lorikeet is very colourful - almost every colour of the rainbow can be found on their feathers.
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Good Morning Kooka - Basking in the morning sunshine.