Hanging in there - Metallic Green Blue Jewel Beetle
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Pallbearers - Never leave the wounded and dying behind...
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Follow the Beam - One for Stephen King fans.
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Taking a break - Golden Spiny Ant inspecting a break in his path
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On Guard - Dark-faced Brown Paper Wasp (Ropalidia gracilenta)
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Cycad Blue Butterfly - Warming up in the afternoon sun.
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Final Approach - European Honey Bee heads for the nectar.
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Ladybug Luncheon - Grabbing a bite to eat on a grass seed head.
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Thirsty Work - Golden-tailed Spiny Ant
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Paper Wasp - A look that would scare off many intruders.
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Peek-A-Boo - A very small (7mm long) grasshopper peeks from a leaf as I take his photo.
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Blue Dragon - One of the many dragon flies encountered in Africa.
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Tea Time - Chinese Praying Mantis and Australian Stingless Bee
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Orange Aussie - An Australian Stingless Bee resting on an orange trumpet vine flower.
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Golden-tailed Spiny Ant - Award winning photograph of a Golden Spiny Ant, also known as Elegant spiny ant because of their Elegant appearance. The Golden Spiny Ant is one of the more common of ants found in Brisbane bush. They are black in colour with golden gaster (ant abdomen), moderately large (10 mm in total length), and have spines or ridges on the mesosoma and spines on the top of the petiole.
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Robber Fly - All robber flies (Asilidae) have stout, spiny legs, a dense moustache of bristles on the face (mystax), and 3 simple eyes (ocelli) in a characteristic depression between their two large compound eyes. Adult robber flies attack other flies, beetles, butterflies and moths, various bees, ants, dragon and damselflies, Ichneumon wasps, grasshoppers, and some spiders.