I am trying to sleep here. - Eastern water dragon sunning on a log.
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Dainty Tree Frog - Hanging around on a wet and rainy night.
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Rain drops are falling on my head - A Rough Knob Tailed Gecko gets a soaking.
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Rough Knob Tailed Gecko - Keeping himself clean this gecko licks his lips and eyes.
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Yellow Central Bearded Dragon - What are you looking at?
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Boyd’s Forest Dragon - An ancient looking lizard.
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Magnificent Tree Frog - A lovely specimen
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Magnificent Tree Frog - Resting on a log.
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Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog - Taking refuge in the branches of a Cycad.
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Waiting - Always on the look out for food this chameleon sits still on a branch.
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Can you see me? - This chameleon is using his camouflage abilities well to blend into his surroundings.
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Striped Marsh Frog - A large wetland-dwelling frog (45-70mm) and voracious hunter, this frog eats almost any animal smaller than itself, including small frogs. Its distribution extends along the east coast from Queensland to South Australia. It is most commonly associated with wetlands and permanent water and shelters among reeds and other debris.
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Quite a Smile Crocodile - Not a creature to be messed with.